La scelta del cateringChosing cateringLa scelta del catering

Affidarsi a dei professionisti soprattutto quando si parla di cibo diventa fondamentale se si vuole rendere davvero unico il giorno delle nozze.     When we talk about food it is very important to count on professional people, above all if you want to make exclusive your wedding day. On market there are so many companies that pose themselves as catering plann...

Wedding cake: c’è l’imbarazzo della scelta!Wedding cake: c’è l’imbarazzo della scelta!Wedding cake: spoilt for choice!

Someone prefer a layer cake, others follow new tendencies fromAmericawishing a wedding cake prepared artfully and who consider it just the conclusion of a banquet. Today, for who love the perfection, the wedding cake represents a wonderful epilogue of a special day. There is for all tastes: chocolate,Chantillycream or glassed. Even the shapes are various: who can’t give up t...

Sex and the city: il banchetto metropolitanoSex and the city: a metropolitan banquetSex and the city: il banchetto metropolitano

Dopo la moda delle nozze in spiaggia, della cerimonia country ecco che il banchetto diventa metropolitano nel 2011. After the trend of beach wedding and country ceremony, here for you the metropolitan banquet. If you’re thinking about fairytale castles, breathtaking villas or charming locations, this kind of wedding isn’t adapt. The metropolitan banquet seems gone out from...

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